Gardens are often deeply personal, crafted over many years their owners feel a profound sense of attachment and indeed protection over them.
My job is to put my clients at ease, to show through horticultural proficiency, hard work and organisation that, with me, their garden is in safe hands.
professionalism, diligence & skill
My horticultural career started in Cambridgeshire where, working in large private gardens, the journey of accruing the expertise I possess today began.
After a few short years and the completion of two theory based horticultural qualifications, including one from the RHS, I moved to Oxfordshire to work on a large private estate designed by the renowned garden designer Tom Stuart-Smith. This provided a fantastic opportunity to become accustomed to a wide and diverse range of plants and planting styles, whilst additionally precipitating an introduction into the careful management required to administer these types of naturalistic plantings.
Subsequently this experience led to work on several other estates and then ultimately the opportunity to manage a 25 acre garden solely. after successfully fulfilling this role for several years the chance arose for me to work in another Tom Stuart-Smith garden, this time as head gardener.
In addition to formal theory based training and practical horticultural experience, my repertoire has expanded to include courses in Rose pruning at David austin roses, topiary with jake hobson of niwaki and certification in the use of chainsaws.
I am also proficient in the use of a range of garden machinery and equipment.